This organic Costa Rican coffee bean makes a rich and delicious cup that is well-balanced by nature. The coffee beans are grown on a hacienda that has been family owned since 1889 called La Amistad in Costa Rica. It is internationally certified as organic and “climate change friendly”. The family has long believed in nurturing the earth, promoting health, investing in conservation and respecting the value of every person’s work.
The operation is a source of work and shelter to marginated aboriginal family groups and has received Finca Sana status for the fair and ethical treatment of indigenous peoples. The protected lands ensure Coto Brus county an unpolluted source of drinking water through Costa Rica’s largest rural aqueduct system. 90% of the land of La Amistad is protected rain forest, a rich ecosystem that is a sanctuary to diverse flora and fauna, including more than 400 species of local and migratory birds. The United Nations and UNESCO declared this biological corridor to be a World Heritage Site and part of a 2.3-million-acre World Biosphere Reserve.
What you get is the finest gourmet-quality coffee with a unique bouquet, delicate aroma, gentle acidity and rich body. And the beans are roasted near the shipping point of Asheville, NC to ensure freshness to you.
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