The Ultimate Healthy Lifestyle

  • Think, Move and Live with Youthful EnergyHealthy Lifestyle

  • Feel Happy and Positive Every Day

  • Look Years Younger Than Your Age

You can do it while enhancing wellness in every part of your being. It’s possible.

With some proven healthy lifestyle changes, you can think, move and live with youthful vitality now and well into old age… That’s Vital Endurance!

Are you starting to figure out that there’s even less “real” information in the world than you assumed? …And it’s actually harder to find what’s real and true in the clutter?

So, What Does It Take?

Well, there is such a thing as Ultimate Health. When you get it, the aging process inside you begins to dial back. You feel and look better…no matter where you started.

You probably realize that being tired, fatty, dull and achy are not natural states of living. These are effects of the wrong accumulated inputs on your body and mind.

There’s no way you would allow your overall wellness to slip until you look old, don’t have the energy to do what you want, or worse yet – you get some frightening diagnosis from your doctor. Instead, you want to take your health to a higher level.

Completely understand that the way you look and feel and eat and move and think are all interconnected… Caring for the health of everything together is what creates Vital Endurance.

Now’s the time to decide to take complete control. It’s never too late (or too early). Vital Endurance is for all ages, all stages…you simply must want to improve your life.

It simply takes learning the proven ways to achieve all of this and feel better about yourself

There is a Healthy Lifestyle Handbook!

Healthy living is a powerful synergy that will make you look and feel more youthful. The problem has been that no one ever presented it for you this way, I assure you. I know because in my more than 24-year quest for personal well-being…

I looked and looked and couldn’t find a resource that truly covers it all. So I’ve assembled all the current & best truths and show you the doorways to develop them further.  It’s all put together in a way that’s easy to understand and apply to your life right away:

Learn the truths assembled by author, Eric Dean, and Get Vital Endurance… Eric Dean

Get Healthy Now!
for only $27 $12
*special intro price*

This book has over 50 sections covering nutrition, movement and awareness. What’s even better is that ebook technology not only makes it possible for you to buy the book now and start digging into the information right away, it also brings another advantage…

Your purchase of the ebook right now – with its wide range of dynamic topics – gives you membership into the Vital Endurance Ultimate Health Club forever. We’re building a community of true wellness advocates.

healthy livingLet’s have a conversation about Ultimate Health.

healthy livingLet’s begin with the most Vital topics.

Your membership ensures that you will always receive any updated publications to the book and all of its related information, GRATIS!

How’s that for making a commitment to your healthy life?!? You won’t find all that from the usual e-reader book sellers.

Of course, you can cancel anytime and do your own thing if you want…or just buy the book incognito – if that’s your comfort level for now…

It’s okay… You can just scroll back up and buy the book. You have nothing to lose.

healthy lifestyle




But apparently, you need more convincing.

Okay, do you… take care of yourself? …try to eat right and exercise? …follow a spiritual path? …but can’t seem to find the true path to your radiant self? Do you want to take charge of your life and eliminate uncertainty, fear and worry that you’re not doing it right?

Well, there’s a reason most people are aging faster than they should be. It’s become normal and acceptable to just give in to low energy, aches, pains and sagging looks. You may not even notice that you’re missing out on Ultimate Healtheven if you think you know what’s good for you

It’s because you’ve never heard the whole story…you’re missing pieces of the puzzle…you’re focused on only part of the picture and can’t see the forest for the trees… I’m throwing every metaphorical cliche in the language at you here to get your attention… YOU DON’T KNOW THE WHOLE SYSTEM OF A HEALTHY LIFE!

The Vital Endurance book is not just a series of rambling. It’s about how to ‘think of’ and ‘look at’ your lifestyle differently. It helps you to fix your “inner game” of wellness and hone your intuition… This is the real-deal knowledge organized in a way you can implement into your life now.

You will learn:

Potentially the most important aspects of slowing aging and achieving Ultimate Health are often the most overlooked. What I call True Awareness is the “inner game” of healthy living. It includes setting up your thoughts, actions and environment for optimal wellness

healthy livingHow to Finally Make It All Happen for Yourself

healthy livingUnderstanding Why You Don’t Always Do What You Set Out to Do

healthy livingThe Ways You Unknowingly Think that Keep You Stuck Where You Are

healthy living7 Things You Can Do to Take Your Life to the Next Level of Overall Health

healthy livingThe Number One Best Thing You Can Do with 10 Minutes of Free Time

healthy living5 Ways to Hook into the Healing Power of our Natural World

healthy livingWhat Stuff You Need to Kick Out of Your Life Immediately

healthy livingThe 3 Subtle Ways You’re Constantly Undermining Your Wellness

More energy and injury prevention are the benefits of holistic fitness knowledge. This is shared with you through Multi Movement. And it works no matter your level or background. There is information here that will help the true beginner along with the seasoned athlete. Every aspect of creating optimal function for the physical body is addressed…

healthy livingWhat are the Best Ways to Get, Maintain and Accelerate Fitness?

healthy livingThe One Big Thing You’re Probably Doing Wrong When You Exercise

healthy livingThe 3 Most Overlooked Aspects of Total Fitness

healthy livingWhat Your Feet have to do with Your Whole Body Feeling Better

healthy livingA Simple Way to Check Your Posture Anytime

A balanced approach to nutrition is the best way to combat aging. The points in Clean Nutrition work regardless of your food ethics and preferences – though you should expect to be inspired to make some changes! You will encounter a refreshing big-picture approach that doesn’t promote any certain products or diets. Instead you get new ways of looking at what you put into your body…

healthy livingThe Defining Aspects of Clean Nutrition

healthy livingWhat 7 Things to Eliminate from Your Diet Now if You Want Good Health?

healthy livingThe Sneaky Stuff You May Not Think of as Nutrition and the Reasons Why

healthy livingWhat’s the Good Stuff to Put in Your Body for Real Vitality?

healthy livingShould You Take Supplements…Which Ones?

healthy livingAre Diets Even Necessary or Effective?

healthy livingWhen, Where and How to Eat for Wellness

healthy livingHow the Latest Research is Proving What We’ve Known All Along

Well, what good is all that? What’s ‘proven’ today is just going to be dis-proven next week“…

…or there’ll be some new study that contradicts the last one. Okay, for one thing, you get all updates to the book information free forever – so, no worries there. But really, that bold quote up there is just the epitome of apathetic thinking. It’s exactly the type of thought that the giant food, ‘healthcare’ and marketing companies would like you to have.

In fact. many of the ‘studies’ that refute knowledge on natural health are designed. They’re actually no more than glorified press releases, and you just keep on buying what they’re selling.

There’s a specific name for this tactic – it’s an acronym – FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). This is the type of campaign used by those who stand to profit greatly by keeping you confused and mis-informed – mainly giant pharmaceutical companies, massive agri-business and enormous chemical companies… And then come all their cronies in monopolistic retail, media, finance, etc… And then, unfortunately…all the politicians who are “sponsored” by these organizations.

You need a way to sift through the FUD and get to the real information. That way you can execute the priceless value of your free will with confidence – knowing that your mind is right and your inner game of healthy living is straight.

Do you think your doctor will set you straight?

Certainly…if you need your broken bone set. But otherwise prevention is the key, and the goal is to make your doctor bored and lonely. Because their training and education on keeping you healthy – and thereby out of their office – is somewhat limited by design…

American Medical Assoc. doctors are taught a very limited amount of nutrition information throughout their entire MD curriculum. In many universities, that curriculum is written or directly supplied by the National Dairy Council, National Livestock & Meat Board and the American Sugar Alliance. Other ‘textbook information’ in medical school is supplied and/or funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

And certainly medical doctors are not learning about cutting edge fitness methods and how it all relates to your environment, your thoughts and the quantum universeVital Endurance covers all of that.

Doctors aren’t bad people, and many of them enter the profession with the true desire to help others. But their education and the system in which they work is flawed. And unless they strive to seek deeper truths about healthy living to avoid disease, they wind up being pushers of pills and procedures with an extensive and highly specialized knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and chemistry.

It’s not my goal here to supplant any healthcare workers, nutritionists, personal trainers or coaches. In fact, all of these fields play a very important role on our collective path to wellness. But there is a more complete way to health.

With Vital Endurance you can

healthy livingMake Your Doctor Bored and Lonely

healthy livingBe the Master of Your Own Health

healthy livingBoost Your Energy and Vitality on Demand

healthy livingReclaim Your Youthful Glow and Pizzazz

healthy livingHave Plenty of Endurance for All Your Activities

healthy livingBe Mentally Sharp and Focused

healthy livingHeighten and Sustain Your Concentration and Awareness

healthy livingMaintain Proper Digestion without Bloating and Gas

healthy livingEliminate Congestion and Inflammation

healthy livingMaintain a Stable Weight that Allows for Full Functional Movement

healthy livingMaximize Your Self-Healing and Recovery Potential

healthy livingRun, Jump, Twist, Bend on Demand

healthy livingAttract More Good into Your Life

healthy livingKeep the Negative Away

healthy livingHave Great Ideas Just Come to You

healthy livingFeel Constantly Inspired and Motivated

If you desire to slow aging and have more energy, you must gather wisdom and raise your intelligence about health… There is no other way. A healthy lifestyle is no accident – it’s an intentional and deliberate creation. The greatest things you can buy are truth and wisdom. These have far more value than any material goods…

Get Vital Endurance!

Learn the truths assembled by author, Eric Dean, and Get Vital Endurance… Eric Dean

Get Healthy Now!
for only $27 $12
*special intro price*

Don’t Go at it Alone!

Okay, so if you’re still reading this page instead of the Vital Endurance book…you must have a lingering objection. Or maybe you figure that you can find all this information by yourself.

Sure, you could spends months or even years researching, interviewing, testing and verifying all the information presented in Vital Endurance. The information is all out there for you to find. But why go through all that trouble when the work has already been done for you. You’re here right now…you just have to click the button, and you’re on the way to a new level of wellness.

Actually, I encourage you to continually search for the truth on your own! And the Vital Endurance book is an ideal gateway for your search… It teaches you where to look!

If it’s the price of the book that’s holding you back, let me show you the value you get…

First off, I’m not giving this information away for free. Mainly because people usually place very little value on things that don’t come at some cost. Also, because this book represents years of effort and immeasurable volumes of data all distilled down to create a comprehensive longevity lifestyle resource.

But most important to you, this information is just NOT AVAILABLE put together in this way – ANYWHERE ELSE.

Now, some people may say that by charging for this information I’m just like those fat cats who put corporate revenue above morality… In reality, sharing truth and a higher moral ground were the motivations behind writing this book, not profits. Your money that comes to benefit the business of Vital Endurance will be used in part to continue the quest of bringing you the best possible knowledge regarding healthy living. It is my passion, and I share it out of love and faith in the ability of humankind to reclaim our collective health and well-being.

My goal is to elevate awareness, kindness and truth so that the world is a better place for us all.

For these reasons, I’m making a serious commitment to those of you willing to purchase the Vital Endurance book. When you purchase the book and provide your email address, you will become part of the ongoing development of every topic in the book. If there are any updates or changes to the information in the book that warrant a new release, you will get the updated published version at no charge for as long as you provide your current email address. You’ll be part of the Ultimate Health Club dedicated to the latest information for your well-being.

So, you don’t need to have any FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). Because Vital Endurance is out there every day sifting through the FUD making sure the healthy lifestyle information you have purchased continues to be verifiable and true.

For this reason, the book and all the information you will gather from it do not require or come with some long-term “money back guarantee”. It’s far better than that…for less than the price of an average restaurant meal, you get a lifetime of knowledge covering every aspect of healthy living. If you’re not satisfied within 30 days…okay, send me an email, and I’ll give you a refund.


But I guarantee there is no way you can read this book without gaining new insights that will improve your life. I know because I’ve been studying these subjects for decades, and I gained new knowledge in the process of writing the book for you.

Okay, so you may have already listened to doctors, trainers, gurus or preachers…and they all may have some good advice. But no one has put it all together for you, have they? Most people trying to advise just don’t understand the big picture. Or even worse…

healthy livingThey rally against anything that sounds like a chemical…
Maybe you’ve heard of The Food Babe?

healthy livingThey use their credentials to promote questionable products…
Surely you know about Dr. Oz.

healthy livingThey get angry and emotional…
Ever seen Jillian Michaels screaming?

healthy livingThey use fear tactics to persuade…
Unfortunately, this covers about all of the mainstream media.

…You deserve better than scare tactics and conflicts of interest. There’s no doubt that many of these professionals have some great knowledge in their specialized fields…but, there IS a more complete way to longevity and a healthy life! Vital Endurance presents it all for you…

Still not Sure?

Really now, if you’re concerned about getting a refund, you get your full money back within 30 days if you buy the book and feel that it’s a bunch of incomplete sentences connected by lines of gibberish … +%b@?::\\s~*{‘h!,[:t … Gosh, it took a minute to make that look interesting. What do you think it means? Well, THAT’S not gonna happen! Now, I’m just getting silly because I figure that surely NO ONE is still reading this page at this point! Everyone has clicked to get an instant download of this life-changing information. But, YOU’RE still here…

Alright then… Do you want an even bigger challenge? Then disprove a point in the Vital Endurance book. If you disagree with anything, and you want to call it bunkum… You can cause a change for the next published version!

All you need to do is provide supported evidence that passes the scrutiny of my team. Then the book will be updated, republished and distributed for free to everyone who purchased the prior version. Heck, if you’re good enough you might even be hired onto the team. But you need to buy the book first, so here’s your last chance

Get Vital Endurance!

Get Healthy Now!
for only $27 $12
*special intro price*

Clean Nutrition       Multi Movement       True Awareness

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